Interim assertions

While we are waiting for the new Congress, and new Governors and other electees to step in and while we hope for the best, I will observe the following:

Much as I love The Club for Growth and wish every Republican member of Congress could be a Club elected one, we all know this is not the case. And the ones who are establishment RINOS have a lot of power and too often are not using it wisely or in the best interests of Americans, as I believe the Club members would in most cases.

Perhaps Kevin McCarthy would not be my first choice to be Speaker, but he got a lot of votes from the members. He has worked very hard to try to get more Republicans to win in 2022 and he did squeak out a majority and Pelosi will have to hand the gavel to him. And he is going through the motions of trying to give the conservative wing of our party some goodies. It seems to me on January 3rd, we must hit the ground running. And while any conservative fighting McCarthy for leadership would probably be more to my liking, at this point, I think we should let things be and declare McCarthy the new Speaker now so we can do the good things that need doing immediately.

That said, I have no illusions about McCarthy that he might start out well, and then slump back into comfortable establishmentism. But in my opinion, for starters, he should be the one to get us going in our agenda.

In the meantime, the Left has its conspiracy theories and we have ours.

We have the conspiracy of our own Justice Department and members of the FBI colluding with big tech to try to bring down a president and influence the 2022 elections.

The Left has the January 6th hearings, a sham, one sided piece of nonsense, with fake witnesses and easy to name lies at every moment. That, happily, has by and large proved a dud despite their best efforts. Maybe it is because of the many times repeated excision of Trump’s saying we will march peacefully and demonstrate peacefully, that was enough to start the ball rolling on showing these hearings to be nonsense in the highest. Maybe it was the oft repeated phrase of many people killed and police injured when it is clear the only murder was caused by a Capitol policeman of a servicewoman.

Maybe it was the egregious statement that this is worse than 9/11 and not since the Civil War has the country been more at risk.

But whatever, these hearings will only have an effect if the Courts care more about helping dishonesty than they cared about a stolen election.

The Left has the conspiracy of the disgrace of Trump inviting and hosting a Nazi at Mara Lago. They were sure that would GET him. Maybe Americans are onto their fake news stories. That one I was sure would have legs. It didn’t even last a week. That surprised me.

The Left has Trump’s tax returns which they hope to “expose” soon. But what’s the point now? It reeks of vengeance. Nothing they do has worked so far. Lucky for us? Or maybe they are too often going too far.

And now, with Musk’s “reveals” on Twitter of the FBI and our Justice Department’s deliberate and long term treasonous meddling to take down a sitting President and to interfere in the 2022 elections by forcing the hiding of the Hunter Biden computer from hell, more and more people are figuring out that the Left is no friend of truth or of free elections.

Maybe the strange counting of those Maricopa County ballots didn’t help either.

The only thing that has worked to help the Left is Trump. His goofy idea of we need heroes so I will sell trading cards of me as a hero, his egomania showing up in so many ways – these should be enough to trump anyone’s wishes for power.

But I am hoping that the many great things Trump accomplished for America and for Americans and his MAGA agenda of doing everything to help OUR country over others, as opposed to the exact opposite in Biden’s agenda will be enough to bring Trump back to us as the next president. I am still all the way Trump in 2024.

Biden is busy spending billions to protect Ukraine’s border and many other countries’ borders and not protecting our own. This one terrible choice of Biden’s should sink him even faster than all the rest of his many flaws. Those border crossing pictures and shelters and streets filled with illegal invaders are horrifying in the extreme.

We had the controversy of that New York Times Crossword Puzzle with its Swastika in the middle that showed up on the first day of Chanukah.

I could list all of the conspiracy theories on both sides from the past and ongoing. You could list your own. But instead I will say this. What the Left has going for it is that if I ask my liberal friends if they heard what is going on at Twitter right now, they have no idea what I am talking about. Can you believe it? The biggest bombshell story of the day, worse many times over than Watergate – talk about our Republic really being in Mortal danger – and they know not one thing about it. How is that possible? It is ubiquitous. Except for even one mention of it on any left wing media source.

If I ask them about The Times puzzle controversy, ditto. Anything I ask my intelligent liberal friends (not really an oxymoron – there is a difference between having intelligence and being informed) on anything that could shade their thinking to my point of view they know nothing about. NOTHING! If I try to ask anything about Biden that is negative, they know nothing. It is shocking. Their knowledge of what is going on at the border is miniscule. And they blame it on Trump anyway. Hilarious, but scary.

Most conservatives at least know about what the Left does. How many conservatives do not know about the January 6th hearings and what they accuse Trump of? Many of us have watched some or a lot of the Hearings. How many do not know about the grievances the Left had to cause two Impeachments, As Nancy Pelosi said, “He has been Impeached twice. That is in his history forever.” She says that with pride of accomplishment without any fear of how history will mock HER because she urged two sham impeachments based on specious things.

My point is at least I know the Left’s points of view, their arguments, what they are doing. Liberals seem to have no understanding of what our side has accomplished, what we believe, what we do that has been good. They know only what is bad or indifferent from their point of view. They have tons of misinformation about our accomplishments but if I press them, they cannot defend their information. If I tell them to look something up to try to disprove what I am telling them, they never do it because they know they will be proven wrong and they don’t want to be.

So this leads to my final point for the moment. The Left sticks together. Whether they are engaged in criminal behavior or destructive irresponsible huge spending bills, with spending on nonsense, spending that will destroy our economy, they stick together and no one dissents from their destruction. Our side has so many turncoats, even our Minority Leader in the Senate among them, that the Left easily get their bad bills to pass, their bad bills with their goofy names that describe the exact opposite of what the bills will achieve.

Our side is busy infighting and blaming each other. I prefer the independence and competition among our leaders. Competition gives a chance for good ideas to fight for attention in the public arena. But in a world where the monopoly of lies and propaganda is so strong and widespread, it may be a bit dangerous to have open competition of ideas. Even though open discussion and challenging each other is healthier for everyone, the controlled monopoly which never airs differences in public has an easier chance of winning power. But maybe not…

We have to believe that we are still a strong people with personal liberty at the forefront, and that will save us.

But just in case, we should make sure that State Legislatures do all they can to prevent thefts of elections in the meantime. Some precaution on that side couldn’t hurt.

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