The 2016 Election Perfect Storm: Which Way Will This ‘Revolution’ Take Our Jeopardized Republic?


Do you remember that final scene in the movie “The Perfect Storm”, where the terrified crew prayed and desperately held onto the fishing boat as the captain and co-captain struggled and strained to get her to climb just one more mountain of sea wave? Do you recall how that worked out?

The American people have moved from “What’s the difference? Both parties are the same” to “Let’s blow this SOB up!”

The ‘progressive’ GOP establishment has nobody but themselves to blame. Well, I take that back a bit. The lazy, ‘pop culture’ driven American voter carries a hell of a lot of the blame for their own troubles and problems. We’ve traded core values and purpose for some fictional version of utopia. When I hear republican and conservative voters whining that if Trump, or even Cruz, gets the nomination they’re either not voting (which is a vote for Hillary by default) or, worse yet, actually physically voting for Hillary. See that asinine mentality? And all those past elections where our side said, “Well, let the democrat win and the American people will see just how bad it’ll get.” Well, it’s been bad, real bad, for ever since I can remember following these things. And the American people still keep voting in this BS. Nobody’s learning a thing from all this idiotic voter logic and reasoning that has done this to ourselves.

On a footnote, we have also allowed the news media and leftist Hollywood shame us and bully us into believing we are racists or ‘phobes’ if we hold onto our core values rooted in the US Constitution and how the Founding Fathers designed this delicate American structure. “A republic, if you can keep it…” … Well, if you’re not going to lock your car or dwelling the thieves are going to get in and take it from you…

(Breitbart) – Veteran pollster Pat Caddell thinks the nation is at “the tipping point” of political “revolution” in the 2016 election because the Washington establishment doesn’t understand the legitimate concerns motivating ordinary Americans. Caddell believes the establishment “empire is trying to strike back” against the populist movement challenging their power, but the American people have “left the building.”

Caddell explained to Breitbart News Daily host and Breitbart Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon that the rise of candidates like Donald Trump and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) reflects the sentiment of the majority of Americans “who feel the country is in decline, who feel that they are getting screwed, their children’s futures are at stake, and nobody gives a damn about it in Washington, which they’re correct [about], and the things that they believe in are mocked and ignored. This is the makings of a Jacksonian Revolution.”

Caddell said the establishment is not going to “give up power easily.” However, “for the establishment to understand how to take Trump seriously, they would have to understand what his voters are about, and since they cannot recognize the legitimacy of those claims… it’s impossible for them to calculate the figure of the threat coming. Now they see it, and now the empire is trying to strike back.”

The political establishment of both parties “have a mistaken view that the American people are here to serve them… as opposed to their job is to be the servants of the people,” Caddell said. “They’ve got this relationship backwards, and they’ve been running Washington and politics and corruption of unimaginable proportions to their benefit. And what’s happening is the American people want their sovereignty back.”

“This country will not go gently into that good night of decline,” Caddell asserted.

“I listened to the debate that Trump wasn’t at, and even with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and [Ben] Carson, all the sudden they were all back talking about establishment things,” Caddell noting, adding that the role of the American people in that debate was “to shut up, vote our way, and don’t get in our way.”

Bannon interjected in agreement, saying, “This is why people have dialed out of politics. It’s the dryness and thinness of the political dialogue. They talk about all these issues that, yes, are all important, but they’re not vital. But when you talk about building a wall to stop illegal immigration, when you talk about bringing ten million jobs back from China, which is emblematic of how we’ve gutted this country with these trade deals, when you talk about a temporary ban on Muslims — [Trump’s] basic themes have been to drive the narrative back to things that matter to working class people in this country.”


Can we turn this ship for better waters to sail in?

Super Tuesday headlines via Drudge Report:

7 AND 7


Bookmaker Pays Out Early on Trump Winning Nomination…

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