Obama’s Control Over the Weak Media – UPDATED

Do these people not understand THEY have the power, not the administration? All they have to do is collectively start covering the damn news regarding the administration and the “fake scandals”. And then boycott the White House if the administration screws with them. But they won’t…

The Weekly Standard: Reporters Held to 4 Minutes With President By Countdown Clock, Looming Aide, and Standing Up

They won’t because they are the battered spouse/mate that keeps saying, “But I know he loves me”: Limbaugh: All Reporters Do Is ‘Kiss Butt’ and Obama Still Shutting Them Out

Politico: The most transparent administration, cont.

The Weekly Standard: Reporter: WH Press Secretary Gets Questions from Reporters Before Press Briefing – It’s just a show

No Reporters on Michelle Obama’s Trip to China

AP photographer hits White House: ‘Once we lose access, we’ll never get it back’

The fact is, the MSM would NEVER allow a republican administration to operate and manipulate them this way … NOT without a thorough scorching and trashing on air and in print.


Jay Carney Took to Twitter to Deny What a Local Reporter Claims He Said About How White House Briefings Are Truly Conducted

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