More Things Obama Won’t Make a Public Comment on Because…

syria crucifiction

From The Daily Beast: Islamic Extremists Now Crucifying People in Syria—and Tweeting Out the Pictures

The jihadist group so radical it got kicked out of al Qaeda has apparently hit a new and shocking low: It’s allegedly crucifying its enemies.

Public crucifixions are mostly ceremonial these days, staged rituals that some Christian communities enact as part of their Easter observance. But the real thing may be returning to Syria. Two men were reportedly crucified in Raqqa on Tuesday, their bloody corpses displayed in the center of a town controlled by the most severe of Syria’s Islamist factions.

Among the forms of slaughter that have become commonplace in Syria’s civil war, crucifixion may be no more brutal than barrel bombs or sarin gas attacks. But the revival of an ancient form of torture is one sign of what life is like under the rule of one of Syria’s powerful Islamist factions. And it’s an indication that, despite years of public hand-wringing in the West over Syria’s bloody and rapid decline, the country is continuing to plummet into new depths of the abyss. […]

From The Washington Times: Girls kidnapped in Nigeria forced to marry their terrorist captors: report

The more than 200 missing girls kidnapped from a school in Nigeria earlier this month are being forced to marry Islamic extremists, a civil society group said Wednesday.

Parents say the girls are being sold to Boko Haram militants for 2,000 naira ($12), Halite Aliyu of the Borno-Yobe People’s Forum told the Associated Press.

“The latest reports are that [the girls] have been taken across the borders, some to Cameroon and Chad,” Aliyu said. It was not possible for AP to immediately verify the reports.

Some 220 girls aged 16 to 18 remain missing after gunmen from the Islamist terrorist group Boko Haram rampaged and torched Chibok Girls Secondary School in Borno state on April 15.


Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau first threatened to treat female hostages as slaves in a video released in May, fueling concerns that the group is adhering to the ancient Islamic belief that women captured during war are sex slaves, BBC News reported. […]

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