A Tale of Two Speeches

It was the worst of speeches, it was the best of speeches. It was a speech of foolishness, it was a speech of wisdom. It was a speech of incredulity, it was a speech of belief. It was a speech of darkness, it was a speech of light. It was a speech of rage and PROJECTION, it was a speech of fun and positive energy. It was the winter of despair, it was the spring of hope. (with apologies to Dickens…)

Only in this case, I am describing not one era, but two different contemporaneous speeches. The first half of each apposition in the above describes Biden’s, the second, Trump’s. Within one weekend each of these happened in Pennsylvania. In them we can see two alternative possibilities of America. The voters have a clear choice. Which one will most want?

Biden’s speech:

In a staged setting, with two marines seriously posed behind him (threat?) from a background of a blaze of red and darkness, Biden ranted with Hitler-like fists in humorless rage indicting half of America as violent bullies who are the greatest threat to our “Democracy”. They are all White Supremacists, Trump MAGA supporters. He threw in in passing that not all Republicans are the enemy. There are lots of good Republicans. (They would be the ones who obey orders and follow the reigning orthodoxy.) In Biden’s America there is truth that the good people follow, and non truth or anti truth that is believed by those bad people he named. Biden kept proclaiming his love for his country. It seemed rehearsed and not sincere. His talk was full of humorless rancor and relentless rage.

He and his wife came in holding hands and with affection he showed her to her seat and then he began his speech. It lasted 20 some minutes, At the end of it his wife returned to him, he kissed her and, as he always does, he abruptly turned his back on his audience and the two left to mild applause.

The audience, seldom shown during his speech, looked mostly like Democrat operatives or officials. No spontaneity among this group. And, as usual for a Biden public appearance, it was merely a few dozen people. They were trained to applaud and cheer at obvious moments. This Biden event seemed threatening.

Trump’s speech:

The arena only held maybe eight thousand, so many were outside watching on monitors because they couldn’t fit inside. The audience was ordinary Americans dancing and celebrating, happy to be there, feeling lucky to be inside, soon to be near the man. No staging or setting, no special lighting – there was just one big space filled with fans, in daylight. Trump with his ordinary capability of fun, good humor and seriousness in tow, gave his speech. Much of it was written, but there were lots of moments of spontaneity. It ran close to two hours. The crowd did not lag or look bored through any of it, and at the end their fervor was at fever pitch, and they waved and danced and smiled, laughing and applauding as Trump “danced’ to the music himself. A Trump rally is fun!

Some contents of Biden’s speech:

The unifier in chief as per his inaugural speech, spent most of his time at the podium vilifying MAGA Trump supporters as the most dangerous group in the history of our country. This is a unifier? He said something like when the good Republicans and the rest of the good Americans get together, we will crush the MAGA movement, the most dangerous group ever to be formed in this country. And we will come together as a nation.
(I couldn’t help hearing once we get rid of the gypsies, the enemies of the state, and the Jews…) He announced G-d protects those who stand watch over our democracy. (ahem – Republic)

Violence is unacceptable, Biden declared. We must never condone violence or ignore it. Violence must never be normalized in our great country. Applause and cheers from his small audience, because, as we all know, there has been no violence in Democrat run cities for the last two years. And as we all know there haven’t been in these cities records being broken every year of carjackings, rapes and murders. And we know that because I never heard Biden complain about any of that. Because what Biden means by violence, of course, is January 6th, the “worst thing ever to happen in American history.” By now I am thinking this speech has that whole January 6th event beaten in the category of bad things to happen to America. By now I am finding this the worst speech ever given by an American president in the history of this country. By now I am sickened by this president who has done so much to destroy my beloved country and is now putting the blame on his enemies and not taking one scintilla of responsibility for his disasters.

And I am reminded of something I posited in one of my previous pieces. Anyone who has not ranted against the violence in democratic run cities over the last few years has no authority to speak of January 6th at all.

We must have free and fair elections, Biden tells us. I will not stand by and watch as they count votes and do not count yours. Your freedom to vote must not be taken from you. Projection again. Our MAGA opponents want to make it too difficult for people to vote.

Photo ID’s are not suppressing the vote, but taking care that we have legal voters voting. Who is it that fights against free and fair elections? See the movie 2000 Mules. Who loves unsolicited paper ballots that cause fraud? Who wants millions of illegals to vote erasing your votes and mine? Chutzpa, thy name is Biden.

Biden announced in anger you can’t love your country only when your side wins. I am steaming by now. Hillary for four years said Trump knows he is not a legitimately elected president and that never seemed to bother the left. And. anyway, this announcement assumes Biden won. Ha!

And if you are not already infuriated, how about this one. He actually said this, seriously. “Democracy only survives if we respect our legitimate differences.” His whole speech is about the unacceptability of MAGA. But of course MAGA is not a legitimate difference. I don’t need lectures on compatibility from this boob.

And here is another he actually said – projection, inc. – “I won’t stand by and watch wild conspiracy theories hatch.” Russia hoax? Fake news? FBI raids on homes of those who work for Trump? Spying on Trump? Need I go on?

Contents of Trump’s speech:

Because we all have seen them over and over this will be repetitive, but who cares? It works every time. The same script mostly, because MAGA truth is easy to remember and always fun to hear.

But this time he added thoughts about the FBI Mara Lago raid. This was to show their power. But as Trump kept insisting, they were raiding your homes, pointing to the audience. And everyone knew just what he meant.

Trump took Biden to task for complaining about what his administration left Biden – what a joke – and Biden complained about current problems that need fixing because of what he found when he was elected. Trump mocked the fact that they own the government now for almost two years and whatever is wrong they must own up to being responsible for the destruction. He went over the worst parts of Biden’s speech. Them in typical Trump fashion, he dismissed it with a one liner, “Not to worry. Biden will wake up tomorrow and forget everything he said.”

And Trump said if we don’t win big in November and in 2024, we will become Venezuela on steroids. Trump said the FBI used to be an investigative arm for the benefit of Americans’ safety and now they are the army for the establishment against Americans’ safety; and they are full of disinformation. He told how they suppressed the Hunter Biden video before the 2020 election. And this affected the result, because many voters said they would not have voted for Biden if they knew about the corruption and money making from enemies in the Biden family.

More from Biden:

Was there honesty in this speech? I found none, except “cough cough, excuse me.” And more coughs. They were real and involuntary. The rest was deliberate and read off the teleprompter with not one word off the cuff, and none of it told the truth.

I found lots of assertions and name calling with no evidence to back it up. And I found loads of omissions. Not one word about millions of illegals not only crossing our border, but not identified. And most of them looked well dressed, had money, and most were twenty something men who came from countless countries. No one was checked for disease. Yet they were sent all over the country. And Biden wants us to believe he cares about Americans and Covid rules. What a joke.

Not one word about inflation or the mess our economy is in. Not one detail even of what he considers his great achievements. Not one word about policy. No democrat candidate was there or even mentioned in this highly charged election season. Are there democrats running? You wouldn’t know it by Biden’s speech.

And not one word about the Afghan debacle.

To sum it up, in this short Biden outing it was all hatred, even a declaration of war with half of America, and a definite suggestion to expect violence from those white supremacists, those MAGA Trump supporting semi fascists.

But that is not what happened. Too bad for Biden. If it had happened, if Biden’s accusations were true that Trump supporters were a danger, then the left could have arrested many, and hidden them away in solitary where they couldn’t speak. That is what they did with January 6th people, locked them up and threw away the key. No visits with family, no lawyers, no ability to look at exculpatory evidence. And if they locked us up or worse, they’d have been justified, right? Did they not warn us of the danger we present?

But that did not happen.

More from Trump:

No it did not happen. At this venue of Trump’s speech, there was happiness and celebration. We did not play into their hands to prove that they were right about us. I am filled with rage, but violence is not my choice of action. I prefer voting and exposing the left in any way I can. And it is leftist revolutionary groups who are violent, not patriotic Americans who do not want to live under socialism, thank you.

This rally was for candidates. Mastriano and Oz were presented. Fetterman was exposed as the ultra left wing man we do not see in the ads. Shapiro’s name was not mentioned. Great idea. But he was talked about as the law breaker he was. This was a rally for Pa. voters to support their candidates. They were there, introduced, and they spoke. The congressional candidates were also named, though they did not appear or speak here.

Trump enumerated his many accomplishments. He also said if he were still president, immigration would be under control, Afghanistan would not have happened that way, and Putin would not have gone into Ukraine. He said that didn’t happen in four years and it wouldn’t have happened now. And everyone knew this was true.

Trump enumerated the horrors and failures of Biden’s time so far.

And he asserted that MAGA is the greatest movement in American history. An insult thrust back at Biden’s comment. He said Biden showed what a fool he is when he criticized MAGA as evil. “What is evil about Making America Great Again?” You would have to hate this country if you found fault with that. Trump said he couldn’t use the slogan KAGA now because the country is in ruins and there is nothing to keep great now. He even hinted his return. MAGA will happen again when we are back.

He talked about the Raid’s details. He said the heads of the FBI are very sick, dishonest people. He told how they rifled through his wife’s underwear drawers and his son’s room. Trump said everything they touched they left in a changed condition. He asked as a parent how would you feel if your child’s things were upset?

He was very specific about all that he disapproved of. Instead of simple insults out of thin air, like saying leftists are dangerous, he was specific about the dangers of progressive ideas. And he never used projection because we do not do the things we are angry about from the other side. Trump listed specifically what will one day change once we are in power again. He talked about education, that we will end CRT and sex indoctrination and we will give power to parents to choose schools, and we won’t name-call parents who complain. He said the parent/child relationship is the basic building block of society and that we will not interfere with that the way the left does when they warn children not to tell their parents.

He said, this country belongs to you, not to them. How important was that? And how different an emphasis from Biden’s of fury and hatred and bossiness.

He said what you and I know all too well, that the left is fearful of his return and will do anything to interfere with his ability to run. But he seemed confident. So we shall see.


Biden asserted this is an America that is about to take off, I scoffed. Didn’t you? Rather, I consider what is going on in America now to be our being set up for Communist tyranny. And Biden’s assertion reminded me of a wonderful definition of Communism I once read.

In Communism there is only the past that is permitted to be known by the powers that be. Che’s murder might have been arranged by Castro, but his being a martyr was to Castro’s advantage, so Che monuments and signs and t shirts are a big thing in Cuba. So the only past we are allowed to believe in or celebrate under Communism is what the regime permits. Otherwise the past is altered or irrelevant.

In communism there is no present. All there is is the future, the great promises of things to come. To me that is succinct and perfect to describe Communist tyranny. Think five year plans.

“My opponent likes to spread fear and lies,” Biden said. “I see a different America,” he declared. It seems to me Biden is describing his leftist allies.

“Maga politicians live for wealth and power, ” Biden said. What BS. My goodness. Trump was rich and gave up his life of luxury to pay America back for what it gave him. Biden got rich because he allowed our enemies to buy favors from him. Read Profiles in Corruption by Peter Schweizer. It is about all of the Dem 2016 candidates and how far they were steeped in corruption to get where they are. And Biden and his family get top billing as the worst of all. And if you think about it these days, Most Republicans already were in the private sector and made their money and then they went into government. Today it is the Dems, mostly, who come into government without having run a lemonade stand, and they become multi millionaires in government.

So there you have it. Two speeches, two men, two different ways of each perceiving the world. Which do you believe? Which do you trust? I know my answers.

Biden’s speech was one of the most foul and egregious pieces of rhetoric I think any President has ever given. Or, as the left considers it, it was a needed shot in the arm for the president and the country.

And Trump’s speech was fun, entertaining and fact filled. Or, as Yahoo News called it, over the top and unhinged.

One response to “A Tale of Two Speeches”

  1. I saw this comment in an article about Biden’s speech in AMAC. I paraphrase:

    “MAGA Republicans have made their choice. They embrace anger,” Biden angrily declared. They thrive on chaos, living not in the light of truth but in the shadow with lies.

    How brazen is that? My anger is at Biden and his handlers and the policies they have wrought that are destroying our country. I wouldn’t be angry if they weren’t messing my life up.

    And who thrives on chaos but them with the violence in the Dem cities they keep ignoring, as they encourage it all by their goofy ideas about the police and with their George Soros DA’s that allow criminals back on the streets?


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