The Choice, MAGA 2020 – Editor’s Edition

Political meetings or fundraisers or rallies have never really been my thing. I’ve gone to a few in my life, of course, but frankly, in my “golden years” I’ve become too much of a contrarian and cranky curmudgeon to enjoy them. And besides, I’ve really come to hate crowds. But two weeks ago today I participated in the most amazing political event of my almost 64 years of existence. I had never witnessed anything like it in support of the reelection of a US President. When my sister and I arrived at the rally point at Tamiami Park in Miami around 1:30 PM for a “Caravan for Trump,” about an hour after the designated start time, this is what we saw:

By the time we exited the park at 4:00 PM, there were even more cars behind us.

Tens of thousands of cars — some estimates as low as 55,000 and some as high as 75,000 — participated in this event, organized by local MAGA activists and radio. Flags flying, horns honking, people yelling, we drove through the populous area of western Miami-Dade county, towards the end point of the Miami Freedom Tower, an approximately 16-mile journey. There were lots of people on the streets, waving and applauding and being enthusiastic about what they were witnessing. By the time I veered away from the caravan — two hours after we had left the park* and a bit under 7 miles into the caravan route — there were still thousands of cars in front of me and behind me. It was a truly genuine outpouring of support, without mandates, without orders, something that came from the heart of the Trump supporters in this community. We have seen this spontaneous support all over America this election season. And most of it is never reported by our alleged “free press.” WE THE PEOPLE genuinely support this president. And, dare I say it, we love him as well. He has done more to renew our faith in our elected leaders than any other POTUS in my lifetime — and  that includes the great Ronald Reagan.

But I also believe that all of these events are a visceral reaction to the prospect of what the left will do if they regain executive and legislative power in this country.

Comparisons between our time and other seminal events of American history are rife these days. But the closest analogue in my mind is the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860. Like today, America was an irrevocably divided nation. Not even a century after its founding the forces of evil led, unsurprisingly, by the Democrat party of its day, decided to secede from the union because of the inexorable and inevitable push to abolish slavery. Their economy was propped up by slave labor; not having slaves would inconvenience their backward agrarian economy and force them to do the backbreaking work in the fields themselves. It took four years of the bloodiest warfare ever seen on the North American continent to defeat them and save the Union. One hundred fifty five years hence, the descendants of these same Democrats that almost destroyed the country are at it again.

The ideology of Rousseau and Marx, of Lenin and Stalin, of Hitler and Mussolini, of Antonio Gramsci and Saul Alinksy, has permeated and soiled the fabric of American society in the twentieth century. These are the ideological blood brothers of the modern day Democrats, of the Clintons, the Obamas, and the Bidens. Beginning with the dubious ascension of Lyndon Johnson after the assassination of JFK, the Democrats, sometimes with the help of cowardly Republicans — I won’t mention their names but we all know who they are — have pumped more and more of this leftist ideology into the circulatory system of the body politic, a slow IV drip, year by year. It is a deadly poison. It has slowly corroded and destroyed half of what was once a proud and patriotic, self-governing people, and turned them into a quivering mass of simpering crybabies dressed in black whose hobby is whining about their petty and absurd grievances, their victimhood, and desiring, and participating in, the figurative and literal destruction of the American way of life. The election of Barack Hussein Obama, America’s first communist President in 2008 — and if you don’t think he is a communist you’re not paying attention — was the spark the left believed would complete the agenda started so many decades before. Their goal, clearly stated by their lord and god, was to “fundamentally transform” our country into a Amero-Euro-Socialist state, with the elimination of the Constitution — and especially the Bill of Rights — as the ultimate prize. Democrats only care about two things, and two things only: POWER and CONTROL. They don’t give a shit about the country. They don’t give a shit about YOU. We tried to put the brakes on in 2010, and 2012 but it wasn’t to be. But it was to be a sea-change in 2016.

The seemingly unstoppable leftward spiral has been somewhat abated because of the man we elected four years ago, thanks to his common sense policy changes. Right after the 2016 election I wrote about why I voted for him. Here’s an excerpt:

[…] Donald Trump was not my first choice this year. Ted Cruz was, from the very beginning. Trump was never even in my top three. But early in the primaries I began to suspect that this election was very different than past ones I had participated in. It felt like 1980, a ‘movement’ election, an election that had nothing to do with ideology and everything to do with classic unabashed “throw the bums out” Americanism. Trump won the primaries decisively, mastering the other candidates at the debates and persuading a majority of Republicans to support him. Donald Trump represents everything the GOP establishment pretends to be but isn’t. And he had the balls to say what had to be said to everybody’s face, without fear. That was very appealing to a voter base that had had it with an endless parade of lickspittles and establishment hacks that we’ve elected to govern the country.

I voted for him mainly for two reasons.

1. The Supreme Court: A SCOTUS in the hands of Hillary after the three (very) old justices die or retire would GUARANTEE a fatal erosion of our Constitution. SCOTUS is there to provide a check and balance against legislative and executive power. With progressives in charge you can bet the court would change or eliminate fundamental rights we already have and add others that DO NOT EXIST, as has happened in the past. The federal encroachment would continue with WE THE PEOPLE suffering at the hands of bureaucrats for generations.

2. Hillary’s alleged (and thoroughly uninvestigated) crimes: I did not want a POTUS who thought she was above the law and thereby exhibited an utter disregard and CONTEMPT for the law in the execution of her (previous) jobs. The past is prologue.

I don’t know if Trump will keep the promises he’s made, but I think he’s sincere about his desire to fix the problems the country has. And he loves his country. Obama doesn’t. Hillary doesn’t. They just love themselves. Voting for Trump represented a big, fat middle finger (or two) at the GOP establishment’s bullshit stories and their never-ending broken promises. And, of course, it represented a big, fat middle finger (or two) at the Democrats. Everything they touch they turn to shit.

I didn’t want four more years of shit.

And it has been one hell of a first term, hasn’t it?

It turns out that Donald J. Trump was not only sincere, but he has kept his promises as well! He is the most fearless president of my lifetime. My decision to vote for Donald Trump in 2016 has already been vindicated, despite the fact that we can never be certain how SCOTUS justices will opine. I think he’s made very good choices — and in the case of the recently confirmed Amy Coney Barrett, a superb choice. Imagine, for a moment, what SCOTUS would look like today with Hillary justices. A scary prospect. Thank you, President Trump.

Over the last four years, we have seen the never-ending parade of idiocy, lunacy, mendacity, and sophistry from the left, encouraged by the Medusa of the Democrat party, Hillary Clinton, and her willing gorgons, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, and the screeching harpies of “The Squad.” They have fired figurative bullets and artillery, thrown spears, shot arrows, hurled rocks, dumped boiling water and boiling oil, and thrown acid at him, only to find out he’s like Superman. Invulnerable. HE FIGHTS, God bless ‘im. Even people I know who swore they would never support Trump have come around. I asked a notoriously anti-Trump acquaintance of mine whether he was voting for Trump this year. He replied, “the Bolsheviks pushed me into Trump’s arms.” At least this #NeverTrumper saw the light. The alternative, it seems, is too terrible to contemplate.

So here, in a nutshell, is the choice we have to make two days hence:

⇒ Do we reelect Donald J. Trump, who has fought the forces of Democrat evil, who has kept his word and supported WE THE PEOPLE with his accomplishments, for four more years?

⇒ Or do we elect Joe Biden, a man empty of principles and logic and reason; a man of whom it can be reasonably inferred has dementia; a man so corrupt, with a long laundry list of uninvestigated crimes, the least of which is graft, and the worst being beholden to so many multiple foreign powers that his country is always in second, third, or fourth place; a man who obviously only cares about his own pocket and is willing to sell out the American people to communist China; a man who will raise our taxes, doom the economy and export our jobs back to Asia? And you know that’s exactly what he’ll do if he becomes president.

I didn’t want a POTUS in 2016 who thought she was above the law, and I certainly don’t want one in 2020.

It’s déjà vu all over again.

H. L. Mencken once quipped that “democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.” It has NEVER been more accurate than this election year. If we, as a nation, elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, then we deserve everything that comes from that decision…



(*As an added bonus, just as we had left the park I received a call from a Dem pollster. I know it was a Dem pollster because of the pointed questions and the frequent mention of a particular candidate. I basically told them what they wanted to hear, total adulation and support for the Dems. Another poll fucked…)

5 responses to “The Choice, MAGA 2020 – Editor’s Edition”

  1. […] I want to thank Donald J. Trump for proving to me that one man with balls and principles can make a difference. He never wavered in his love of America. He never wavered in his respect for WE THE PEOPLE. It was my privilege and honor to vote for him twice. I know I did the right thing… […]


  2. Enthusiasm is way too high all over the country for POTUS to be behind in the polls. The media will come out of this election totally discredited . The only issue is that until Hillary, Obama, the Bidens and their minions are not brought up on charges for all their crimes, the current situation will get worse, plus the top leaders of ANTIFA and BLM need to face the music, and the Insurrection Act must be enacted if the anarchy, burning, looting and rioting continues after the election. Therefore the AG and the FBI need to get their collective acts together, and if they don’t, their entire establishment needs to be purged of those leaders and individuals unwilling to apply the law fairly and squarely across the land. Today there is much criminality and corruption in our country that needs to be brought under control!


  3. Not to mention that Biden will shut down America and pack the courts and therein lies the end of our country on all fronts.

    This is brilliant. I will share it a lot.


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