Thursday Newsfeed PT. 2: Biden Team Agenda? Putting America and Americans Last

A two-part newsfeeder today because combining this one and Pt. 1 was a bit lengthy.

Sidenote: It’s like when I go to the grocery store. I load my items onto the checkout counter in order of classification: first the canned and nonperishable goods, next the frozen foods grouped followed by meats and other ‘cold’ case items that’ll stay cold with the frozen foods, produce AFTER the meats/etc. so as NOT to have produce bagged with the frozen, finally anything dangerously crushable like baked goods and eggs and tomatoes/berries. All this organization so that it all gets bagged that way, or else you get bread loaf in with the large cans of tomato sauces, dozen eggs in with the gallon of milk and/or a 10-pound bag of potatoes— Well, you get the method to my madness based in decades of shopping experience to come home and find the disaster in the shopping bag(s). But I really got really REALLY serious about it after a perishable item was bagged with a bunch of canned goods, and I discovered it decaying weeks later when I was finally getting to my still-bagged canned/dry goods to rotate my supplies on the basement food shelves. Hey, “The More You Know”, right?

Anyhow, how low can he go…

Carl Campanile: Fewer than 1 in 4 Americans still confident in presidency, poll finds

So, old Joe Brandon was in my neck-of-the-weeds yesterday up in Cleveland, Ohio. He bumbled through yet another “No joke” conflation between his muddled Walter Mitty memories of his life that nobody gives a flying fart at the moon about and the unpleasant reality of what is going on effecting the rest of us. He is the toxic leak right now for ambitious dems looking for wins in the mid-terms…

Paul Steinhauser: Some top Democrats keep their distance as Biden stops in Ohio on Wednesday: Democrats Tim Ryan and Nan Whaley will not join President Biden at an event in Ohio

Twitchy: ‘Bingo!!’ Charles Payne drops the hammer on Biden’s brag about what he’s done for unions

BZ: Survey Shows 65 Percent of Small Businesses Will Permanently Close if U.S. Inflation Rate Continues to Rise

They hate you. They really really hate you. Half the country already knew this years ago. The other half is actively being forced to face it and figure it out for themselves now…

Like knowing this…

However, nobody ever wants to admit they made the wrong decision. I have. Multiple times I’ve admitted to having been wrong voting for Jimmy Carter decades ago. See? It’s easy. And the pain does not come from admitting it, but from experiencing the results of your mistake.

Stephen Kruiser: Clueless Democrats Are in Full ‘Let Them Eat Cake’ Mode Now

Nora Kenney: “It’s Getting Worse” – A TikToker’s epic rant against Democrats’ tone-deafness goes viral.

So goes the globalist “liberal world order”, so goes the world’s food…

Larry Johnson: Europe Catches Major Blowback in Failed Attempt to Confront Russia … Empty shelves are increasing in many western countries. The Netherlands warns America that our empty shelves will indeed be getting far worse.

Chris Pandolfo: Watch: Dutch police open fire on farmers protesting job-destroying climate rules

DW: Dutch farmers’ protests over emission cuts resume after police fire shots: Farmers protesting nitrogen emission cuts in the Netherlands gathered again after police fired what they said were warning shots, with no end in sight to the unrest.

Shawn Fleetwood: Dutch Government Launches Canadian-Style Crackdown On Farmer Protests: Whether it’s the Netherlands or Canada, the story is the same across the globe.

Alicia Powe: The United Nations Scrubbed This Article Heralding ‘The Benefits Of World Hunger’ From Its Website After It Went Viral

This would be very news-worthy to the incurious MSM if the family were named “Trump”…

Alex Diaz: SMOKING SON – Hunter Biden filmed himself taking ‘drugs’ & drinking White Claw during detox after his dad Joe gave him $75k handout

Jim Hoft: GOP Lawmaker: Biden Family Has More Suspicious Activity Reports from Banks than Any Family EVER in the History of the United States (VIDEO)

VIDEO: Kentucky Rep. James Comer: Hunter Biden is a ‘national security threat’: Why the U.S. Treasury should release suspicious activity reports filed against Hunter Biden

Ain’t no fascism like dem fascism:

Of course the politicians are all democrats and the newspaper owner is republican. This is pretty much how the democrats treat FOX News, only, they have CNN (especially avid FOX viewer Brian Stelter) and MSNBC as their attack dogs.

Robert Zimmerman: Today’s blacklisted American: Democrat politicians threaten local Aspen newspaper for its news coverage

Blacklists are back and the Democrats have got ’em:Because a bunch of local Aspen, Colorado, politicians dislike how the Aspen Times has been covering one story, they wrote a letter to that newspaper demandingit change its coverage and hire their preferred journalists or they would use their power to silence it…

For politicians to criticize a newspaper’s coverage is one thing. For them to use their positions of power in government to threaten that newspaper is quite another. It is not only a violation of the First Amendment, it is an totalitarian abuse of power that is fundamentally immoral…

This attempt at repression is also par for the course for today’s Democratic Party. If you do not kow-tow to its political will it will organize to silence and destroy you. Sadly, it is quite likely that the voters in Aspen will enthusiastically agree with this intolerant attempt at censorship. Ordinary Democrats no longer believe in free speech and open debate. Instead, they endorse blacklisting and oppression. And increasingly they do it with eagerness and glee.

Leftist Dems in RINO clothing…

Twitchy: ‘A friend’ of Confederate cooler owner Rick Wilson likens Florida to Nazi Germany

Twitter, the internet’s fascist black hole:

Lincoln Brown: RIP Jordan Peterson, Dave Rubin, and Hopefully Twitter One of These Days

Victoria Taft: COVID Journalist Alex Berenson Settles Suit With Twitter, Is Reinstated Nearly a Year After Refusing to Bend Knee

VIDEO: Twitter reinstates Alex Berenson, former NY Times reporter blocked for COVID tweets surrounding COVID-19 vaccines and infertility rates

VIDEO: Former USA Today editor demoted for factual tweet: David Mastio reveals how USA Today’s new woke policies about inclusivity ultimately led to his demotion and departure

And then there’s Google…

Robert Zimmerman: Today’s blacklisted American: Google blacklists Republican Party fund-raising emails


Ian Haworth: How Facebook Crushes Conservative News: A former Facebook engineer details how the company suppressed a Free Beacon report on the Biden administration’s plan to fund the distribution of crack pipes to drug addicts

Twitchy: Ex-Facebook engineer Ian Haworth reveals how Facebook’s ‘fact-checkers’ coordinate to stifle conservative news stories

BTW, the Chi-Com’s TikTok…

Mitch Picasso: Chinese-owned TikTok Throws Christian Satire Site Babylon Bee Down the Memory Hole

Hey! Teacher, Leave Those Kids Alone:

Hannah Grossman: National Education Association teachers union proposes resolution to change ‘mother’ to ‘birthing parent’: Tiffany Justice from Moms for Liberty said she refers to the NEA as the ‘K-12 Cartel’ for holding parents and children hostage to a radical agenda

James Stansbury: Biden Sets his Sights on K-12 Education: Biden’s council is a hyper-partisan packed court (not unlike the makeup of the Jan. 6 Commission) that is likely to dismiss any family input that differs from their progressive views…

VIDEO: Jason Rantz: Washington school teacher’s goal in educating elementary schoolers about sex – ‘Inclusive sex ed’ workshop held for 9-year-olds

Kevin Downey, Jr: Libs Happily Teaching ‘Sex Pleasure’ Classes to Kids. Wait Until You See the Curriculum.

Michael Robison: Another Children’s LGBTQ Drag Queen Advocate Charged With Child Pornography

Matt Margolis: How Much More Evidence Do You Need That the Left Wants to Groom Your Children?

COVID kills but so do the government and the Big Pharma vax:

Timothy H.J. Nerozzi: Over half of COVID-19 hospitalizations in NYC were not due to COVID-19

Jim Hoft: Director General of the Danish Health Authority Admits Vaccinating Kids was a ‘Mistake’

Allysia Finley @ WSJ: Why the Rush for Toddler Vaccines? Covid was clearly a health emergency for adults in 2020. By contrast, the urgency now feels political.

Jeffrey I. Barke, M.D.: Follow the COVID Money: If the COVID-19 vaccines have been a disappointment from a public health standpoint in stopping the continuing spread of new variants of the disease, why is Big Pharma as well as its government allies in the FDA, CDC, and NIH still pushing them?

DM: Australia under siege from multiple viruses. Expert says lockdowns have demolished our immunity

James Bovard: Remember Biden’s ‘summer of freedom’ and victory over COVID? No wonder his credibility’s shot

Red states lead:

Joe Silverstein: GOT THE BLUES? Report reveals which states are winning the post-pandemic recovery: Red states like Florida and Texas are doing better in the post-pandemic economy than blue states. Since the pandemic, many Americans have moved to red states from blue states like New York and California

Breck Dumas: Republican-led states are winning in economic recovery from COVID: Studies show residents and companies are fleeing states run by Democrats

Stacey Lennox: Governor DeSantis Rights Another Pandemic Wrong for Florida Residents

Stuart Varney: The Red States’ win is dramatic: Democrats handling of COVID fueled blue state exodus

As usual, I, and many many others in ‘red states’ demand you leave your blue state voting addictions behind.


NYPost: Bodega worker in Rikers on murder charge after stabbing attacker in self-defense

Dem party’s propaganda MSM arm reaping what they’ve sown…

Twitchy: Gallup poll finds the only institution trusted less than television news is Congress

Yeah, well, with bullshit like this it’s understandable…

Scott Whitlock: ABC: Who Better Than Attempted Reagan Assassin to Tout Gun Control?

Twitchy: NPR reports on how opponents of vaccine mandates co-opted ‘My Body, My Choice’ … Ain’t that a shame? So, it’s only allowed to be said by a woman/“birthing-person” when demanding an abortion, huh?

Mark Tapscott: Rolling Stone Smear Shows Yet Again That Elite Journalists Just Don’t Get Religion

Meanwhile, the Biden White House is bleeding fleeing administration staff at every level…

Brooke Singman & Bradford Betz: White House communications director Kate Bedingfield stepping down: Bedingfield is a longtime, loyal aide of President Biden

“Feminists” erasing women while demanding women’s abortion rights…

Alex Nitzberg: Novelist Celeste Ng claims that ‘women are a subset of birthing people’

Hurray for Biden’s illegal aliens…

Michael Lee: Illegal immigrants arrested in July 4th mass shooting plot after tip from ‘hero’ – Potential Richmond July 4 mass shooters charged as noncitizens in possession of firearm, police say: One of the suspects in thwarted Richmond mass shooting had previously been deported

VIDEO: Richmond police chief says citizen’s tip thwarted mass shooting plot

#2A All The Way:

One of those candidates you wish was on your election ballot…

Chris Queen: Black GOP Congressional Candidate Runs the Boldest Gun Rights Ad Ever

The same ilk that insist on denying the KKK are a democrat-based organization but they’re somehow “not a thing” today … BUT conservatives/republicans are KKK, or something…

Ted Noel: With its New Gun Law, New York is Just Begging to Get Slapped Down

Silvio Canto, Jr: Why don’t they enforce the laws already on the books?


Ethan Barton: Billionaire Chicago crime critic donates $5 million to Project H.O.O.D. amid his departure from the Windy City: Billionaire Ken Griffin, who’s leaving Chicago, donated $5 million to Pastor Corey Brooks’ Project H.O.O.D. on his way out

With 9 offspring he’s doing his part:

He’s either building an army or a starship crew…

Timothy Nerozzi: Elon Musk on birth of twins with top exec: ‘Doing my best to help the underpopulation crisis’: Elon Musk warns of collapsing birth rate in the U.S.: ‘underpopulation crisis’

Asher Notheis: Here are the children Musk had to help combat the ‘collapsing birthrate’

The Cannot Canuck:

Paul Joseph Watson: Government-Funded Booklet Teaches Canadian Kids to be Suspicious of “Free Speech”Says it’s “hate propaganda.”

5 responses to “Thursday Newsfeed PT. 2: Biden Team Agenda? Putting America and Americans Last”

  1. […] said this yesterday: “They hate you. They really really hate you. Half the country already knew this years ago. The […]


  2. […] said this yesterday: “They hate you. They really really hate you. Half the country already knew this years ago. The […]


  3. […] said this yesterday: “They hate you. They really really hate you. Half the country already knew this years ago. […]


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