It Was A “Mostly Peaceful” Debate … “No más! No más!!!”, Cried the MSM

I mean, nothing was looted or set on fire on the stage … or maybe it was.

Last night’s 2020 presidential debate has the Biden-supporting MSM yelling, “No más! No más!!!”, i.e., absolutely no more debates for Biden after last night, and calling last night’s head-to-head— to *head (I’ll get to that in a moment) a “shitshow”. A quick flashback to the democrat primary debates, if you will… Biden and his fellow comrades on those debate stages had a far bigger shitshow display in all their debates, but Joe now needs protected from Pres. Trump in this red zone of the campaign game???

Jim Hoft: They Know Who Won: Thoroughly Defeated Democrats Urge Joe Biden to Cancel Future Debates … All Biden had to do was remain on his feet, not get a bloody eye, not turn into his typical ‘speaking in cow-tongues’, and not shit or piss his pants on stage. Hell, at one point I seriously thought Joe Biden almost sounded as if he was about to recount The Children of The Corn. I was a little disappointed with this moment. It ended too soon. I was hoping for a full-throated, broken Biden, long colorful story. With record player.

Think about that, America. Who exactly do the MSM’s Biden fan club want to silence? We have been watching for 5-6 months as antifa and blm have bullied and beat and brutalized people in the streets, looted and burned businesses, demanded police be abolished and society be at their mercy … but the MSM thinks America should not hear out the President (that they repeatedly claim says nothing but lies, but never list said ‘lies’) who is demanding his opponent tell the American people what his agenda is for them and this nation, should he be elected into the Oval Office where all the pens are stored. Yeah, it was ugly and chaotic. And do not let the MSM tell you this was some historic first, because past presidential elections have had their share of deafening bloviations and uncivil discourse. Crack a damn American history book. Well, America, this is the sausage that is the status of political discourse right now in our nation, and this was not an “Orangeman Bad” creation. No, this mood status of the country began as far back as Bush-Gore FLA 2000 endless recounts and was very much built on during the Obama/Biden two terms as anti-police and “racism” and anti-American free market were stirred and stirred over and over again. And then came 2016, and the hearty refusal of corrupt Hillary Clinton who promised to keep building on Obama’s shit pile he worked so hard to make the rest of us eat from.

And so, we had two elderly guys, one with a tag-team partner disguised as a ‘neutral’ debate moderator, arguing policy (well, one of them was discussing policy while the other refused to) and the direction this country needs to go in to secure it as a representative republic (well, one was, anyway) or dump it in a landfill with our cars, buildings, cows, our energy independence (and our personal independence as well), our rights and liberty, and our hard-earned money confiscated in trillions in new taxes. If I sound as if I am rambling a bit you obviously did not watch the debate.

First, regarding that third *head

A large percentage of people tuned in to last night’s debate to see how long senile Joe Biden could function, his campaign debate team at the last minute wanting two breaks in the planned 90 minutes confrontation. When he seemed as if old Joe would begin to falter or wander, “moderator” Chris Wallace would help/assist him, at one point reading/reminding Biden of his own green deal policy. Wallace interrupted Pres. Trump 35 times, and Biden not-so-much. This was after Chris Wallace before the debate claimed his goal was to be basically invisible during the debate.

Grading Chris Wallace moderating the debate:

An “F” for his vow to be nearly invisible in this debate.
An “A+” for ‘out-Crowleying’ Candy Crowley in “the debate moderator helps out the dem candidate” category.

Jim Hoft: OUTRAGEOUS! Chris Wallace Calls Out Trump to Tell His Supporters to Not Riot!! WTH? After BLM-Antifa Rip Apart the Country! (VIDEO)

Roger L. Simon: The Worst Debate Ever Made Worse by the Moderator

Biden declared last night that I am the democrat party now… Well, to be fair, that’s what they tell old Joe as they pat him on the head before locking him in the basement to watch the game show channel on cable TV.

J.J. Sefton @ AoSHQ:

Overall, at the very least Trump did himself no harm, certainly not with the base, and in all likelihood confirmed the fact that there is indeed media bias against him. About the only positive thing about Biden was that his team of gerontologists from the Mayo Clinic and the embalmer at Gateman, Goodbury and Graves made him appear almost lifelike. Otherwise, with the assistance of Chris Wallace, he came across as crude, loud and abrasive, forcing Trump to increase his volume. But Trump’s volume did not diminish in the slightest the absolute veracity of his points. Biden’s bald-faced lies were debunked and swatted away with ease. Looking ahead, I thought I saw somewhere that Skeletor Carville is already saying that there should be no more debates. From my perspective, if Chris Wallace is allegedly the “pro-Republican” moderator, it can’t get any better for Trump, or Pence, going forward. Not that that really matters to either, I should think. Pence acquitted himself well against Tim Kaine and Kamala Harris intellectually is void. Her being black-ish an female might be her only defense insofar as any attacks from Pence will no doubt be called racist and sexist.

Looking ahead, we’re now just over a month from Election Day. Debates or not, Biden being treated as a medical experiment, no matter how he looked and sounded last night, has got to have taken a toll. Now that they’ve messed up his circadian rhythm, he has to spend another 10 days putting a lid on the campaign at 9:00AM just to get back to normal – meaning “sundowning” by mid-afternoon. Much as I loathe the guy, this is dictionary-definition cruelty.

But as stated, Biden’s biggest lies were not about Trump; they were the ones he told pimping his phony moderation. And that was also his biggest gaffe – pissing off his base. It perfectly illustrates an incontestable political truth: in order for Democrats to get elected, they have to lie about who and what they really are. Given what we have seen and experienced over this past year, that is increasingly harder and harder to do.

My verdict: Clear advantage Trump.

I agree. As I said, the Biden bar was set real low. Trump only needed to double-Dutch jump over the Biden bar a few times in the drink game worthy 90 minutes, and never breaking a sweat.

Matt Margolis: Here’s How We Know Trump Won the First Debate

Matt Lewis of The Daily Beast, also a Never Trumper, concluded that Biden “won the debate” but added the caveat “If Joe Biden were looking for a pretext to skip the next two debates, he found it.”

If the candidate you support won the debate, why wouldn’t you want them to participate in the remaining debates?

Yes, the debate was heated, and the candidates interrupted each other a lot. But, we went through this during the Democratic primaries, too. Candidates are desperate to get their time to speak and fight with the moderator about the rules. Get over it.

But Matt Lewis isn’t the only Biden supporter suggesting that Biden put a lid on future debates. According to a report from Politico, after the debate concluded, “some Democrats wondered whether Biden should only participate if there are more stringent conditions placed on Trump,” in order to “keep the night from devolving into chaos.”

The Biden campaign, for its part, reaffirmed its commitment to the next two debates, but Biden campaign surrogates are ready to throw in the towel, under the guise of blaming Trump for the debate “devolving into chaos.”

Here is the most honest takeaway I have found, and it comes from a Biden supporter/Trump-hater…

Joe Biden’s debate answers:

Here’s the deal
Here’s the deal
Here’s the deal
Here’s the deal
Here’s the deal
Here’s the deal
Here’s the deal…


And: Biden Tells Trump To ‘Shut Up,’ Calls Him ‘Racist,’ ‘Clown,’ Not ‘Presidential’; Chris Wallace Runs Interference – “Will you shut up, man?”

Biden bashed Trump for closing down the country but just a few weeks ago firmly confirmed he himself would lockdown the country again (knowing full-well the deeply destructive and permanent impact it will have on this nation’s economy, but that is the end goal you know) and will mandate for everyone in the country to wear a mask always. And he just sounded asinine on the vaccine end of the COVID19 topic. He and his party have demanded a vaccine as soon as yesterday and we can’t go back to normal until there’s a vaccine, or something. And how the masses will be forced to take the vaccine, or else. And now it’s how they won’t trust a vaccine from Trump? As if 1) Trump is in the lab creating it himself and 2) and as if Trump would take the risk of mass casualties from a vaccine.

Look, yes, COVID is serious. But it has been so politicized and the numbers that have been and are being reported are deliberately and totally out of context. Look at the MSM’s TV chyrons for COVID. The only numbers displayed are deaths and infected. Absolutely no contextual and detailed breakdown of those numbers, and those details are indeed important. But Biden seriously thinks he can run on a Chinese virus? Not on laying out his actual policy plans to the American people? Know why Joe won’t? Because he can’t. They are not his policy plans. They are the policies of those waiting in the wings to take over. Joe knows nothing about those planned policies because his puppeteers cannot trust him not to gaffe and say the quiet parts out loud.

I watched Dan Bongino, Geraldo Rivera, and Leo Terrell on Sean Hannity’s post-debate show…

The point Dan was making about ‘the base’ didn’t quite go far enough. Trump has his 2016 base, plus those #WalkAway supporters that he grew (in large numbers) over his first term in all demographics. Joe’s current ‘base’ is made of ‘boomer’ establishment democrat clingers who refuse to understand this is no longer their, or their dad’s/grandpa’s. Democrat Party. However, in order to try to bolster his alleged base Joe had to make a deal with the devils of Bernie Sanders, Liz Warren, and AOC and their fractured and pissed-off-with-the-democrats bases that Joe is hoping will begrudgingly be dragged over to vote for him. Well, THAT is what Trump meant when he chided Biden “you just lost the left” when Biden wouldn’t commit to anything those people (who are on record confidently saying they can pull him further to the left) are planning on shoving down our collective throats (and it is not just AOC’s GND takeover of the nation’s entire economy and our lives, it was Bernie’s MCfA Biden also threw under the Cleveland WRTA bus last night) if, God forbid, Biden somehow manages to get in like the communist Trojan horse that he is.

Trump lives by “The Art of The Deal”. Biden and his demo-commies have always lived by the false ‘moderate “bait and switch”…

Sure, Sandy. Sure…

Twitchy: Joe Biden was for the Green New Deal before he was — VERY quickly — AGAINST it at the debate (AOC tries to explain)

NRO @ Yahoo News: Biden Pushes Back on Trump’s Claim That Far-Left Will Pull Him Toward ‘Socialist Medicine’: ‘I Am The Democratic Party Right Now’

RT: Progressive Democrats denounce Biden’s ‘shift to left’ with ‘Bidenomics’ as nothing more than REAGANOMICS

Biden spent his time lying about Trump’s nearly four years of policies in office. Biden refused to even answer missives and questions about his almost half a century in Washington DC, choosing to lean hard on his last eight years in the Obama administration … to which Trump smirked and chided that the sun is beginning to shine very brightly on the corruption of that administration. Biden stressed how allegedly Trump will not allow a peaceful transition of power, should he lose the 2020 election. To which Trump rightfully and strongly stressed how Biden, the democrats, the dem-operatives, and the MSM has not allowed Trump’s peaceful transition from day one … and even built a coup to overthrow him.

One of the few best lines from last night (and they all belong to Pres. Trump, by the way), “I did more in 47 months than you did in 47 years”, and I believe Trump even slipped in a sidewinder about how financially lucrative Joe’s political career, especially his eight years as VP, was for him, his son Hunter, and the Biden family. He ain’t wrong. Biden sniped back about the Trump kids. But the fact remains, none of the Trump family is taking a paycheck for working in the administration, not the least of which is the President. The trump business has lost a very considerable amount of money during his first term in office, as a matter of fact, as he has focused on the nation and her people.

My biggest disappointment about last night’s debate is that Pres. Trump didn’t ask Joe how many grandkids he has. Biden and clan have yet to publicly acknowledge his son Hunter’s child with one of his last girlfriends.

Oh yeah, and Biden’s answer to everything is to bring back the damn beer summits at the White House.

There was a Hell of a lot of wordsmithing going on with Biden and his debate teammate Chris Wallace. Such as Wallace’s changing of the term “Critical Race Theory” to “racial sensitivity training” as he was referring to the forced program being used in our nation’s public schools and government institutions. As a matter of fact, for Wallace’s obfuscating the true racist stain that is the anti-white/anti-America indoctrination course as he scolded Pres. Trump for throwing out the program, he actually opened up the can of worms for Trump to lay it out very plainly and frankly on national TV last night for all to see and understand…

Funny how Chris Wallace pressed and pressed Pres. Trump on “racial-sensitivity training” and denouncing ‘white supremacy’ but never asked old Joe about this shit…

Newsweek: Richard Spencer Reiterates Support for Biden, Disavows ‘Useless’ and ‘Traitorous’ GOP

Anyhow, I have managed to bore the Hell out of myself twice now with this debate.
Have 2-3 more.
Don’t have 2-3 more.
I don’t really give a shit.
Trump can say what he needs to say in his continuing outdoor rallies all the way up to election day. He’s not afraid of the American people.


GWP: This Was Weird: It Appears Joe Biden’s Wire Slipped Out from Under His Jacket During Presidential Debate

Lead Stories: Fact Check: Biden Was NOT Wearing A Wire During Presidential Debate; It’s a Shirt Crease … “Shirt crease”? Seriously? That is not a shirt crease. I might’ve accepted the possibility of it being the wireframe of his pocketed reading glasses, but ‘shirt crease’ is total BS. And nice way they’re hiding the full pic in the still so people can’t judge for themselves. And upon me watching the video I even doubt eyeglasses frame because it looks like a wire indeed.

And I’ve seen more than one remark on social media last night remarking on seeing an earpiece in Biden’s ear. If somebody has another photo I’ll post here.

GWP: The Morning After: Observations of First Presidential Debate from Attorney Lin Wood and Actor James Woods

William A. Jacobson: First Presidential Debate Quick Take: Aggressive Trump, Old Biden

Bob Maistros: Trump-Biden I: Reality Is Reality – Trump Flushed Biden Out and Exposed His Weaknesses

His obvious plan: rattle Biden into making mistakes. Trump forced the Delawarean into a number of indefensible and outright untrue statements (that will never be reviewed by the “fact-checkers” who once again dug into the president).

The prez got onto the record, and the public consciousness, questions about Biden that would not normally get picked up in mainstream media coverage. In particular, issues relating to the former vice president’s son Hunter and his cash-raking from a rogue’s gallery of American enemies. And his kowtowing to Sanders and his party’s radical left wing. The president pushed the longtime senator into exaggerations about the extent of lost health coverage in the event of Obamacare repeal and COVID-19. Trump brought out the VP’s weaselly positions on opposing violence in the streets.

Mary Chastain: Debate Transcript Shows Trump Did Not “Refuse to Denounce” White Supremacists, Contrary to Media Narrative … Trump has repeatedly denounced “white supremacists” over these last couple of years. However, Biden refused to denounce antifa (or Marxist anti-American anti-family blm) even going so far as to shrug-off the domestic terror group as nothing more than “antifa is not a group, it’s an idea”, even though they dress uniformly, are obviously very organized and well-funded, and have endless photographic/video/smoking ruins to prove who and what they are. But again, Chris Wallace was not going to correct the “come on, man”, man.

NYT has a rare ‘broken clock’ moment and gets dragged by the left for it …

Twitchy: ‘Collaborators’! NYT catches heat from lefties for actually fact-checking one of Joe Biden’s false statements about Donald Trump … Not to worry, CNN carrys on the mission of the 21st century MSM mission…

Twitchy: ‘Why do people hate the media?’ CNN puts Facts First™ by doing some utterly ‘infuriating’ gaslighting on Joe Biden’s behalf [screenshots]

Julio Rosas: Joe Biden’s Excuse for Not Calling Democrats in Portland to Tell Them to Get a Handle on the Riots … Now THAT’S leadership quality, Joe! And worth pointing out again, last night Joe Biden declared, “I am the democrat party now.” Besides, I’d ponder those democrat city/state leaders where busy on their respected phones with democrat leaders from DC instructing them to keep it up.

Neo: Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury. Signifying nothing… I think debates have become a low charade, and I no longer can watch them … She ain’t wrong.

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