Come On Now, Y’all! It Was Jussie Hoaxie— er, A Joke!

Yeah, it is a fucking conspiracy. It’s how the left rolls, mo-fos…

If you thought the nation had its collective jaw on the floor yesterday afternoon when friend and supporter state prosecutor Kim Foxx un-recused herself from the case and dropped all charges (at the demands of a Michelle Obama representative) against “black gay” actor/activist Jussie Smollett that was nothing compared to the apparent outrage by Chicago’s leadership in City Hall and the Police Department…

Am I the only person that removed Smollett and inserted Hillary in Rahm’s diatribe? I think it just went **WOOSH** right past him. Or maybe he was covertly taking a steak knife jab at republican Pres. Trump’s Mueller report vindication? Or maybe it was a swipe at the Teflon Obama’s who were stamped as completely scandal free after eight long years of huge scandals and abuse of power, and now sticking their sticky dicks into his kingdom? Eh, maybe Rahm just meant Jussie. Or maybe Rahm’s part of the attempted ‘outraged’ former Obama hacks trying to throw hoax-shade over the Obama involvement here…

FNC: Ex-Obama adviser David Axelrod condemns ‘weird turn’ in Jussie Smollett case

Anyhow, here is the law’s reaction…

TDW: Chicago Police Union Wants Federal Probe Into Smollett Case After Michelle Obama’s Former Top Aide Contacted State Attorney

Twitchy: Here we go! Looks like Chicago Police have just declared war on Jussie Smollett

And it is not just Jussie Smollett and the Obama connections that has Kim Foxx and her highly questionable decisions and actions under scrutiny. She has other connections too..

Look up Kamala Harris’s blotchy record while employed in law enforcement earlier in her ‘slept to the top’ persecutor/political career.

Twitchy: Watching Kamala Harris’ shifting views on the Jussie Smollett case is weirdly hypnotic

Chicago law enforcement has continually had its major disagreements and problems with Foxx, and this was one that was obviously made very public for the rest of the nation to witness…

AoSHQ: All Charges Against Jussie Smollet Dropped. Sentenced to Community Service Only. KIM FOXX, ALREADY ACCUSED OF DOING FAVORS FOR JUSSIE, DOES ONE MORE FAVOR.

TDW: Who Is Kim Foxx? Five Things You Should Know About Chicago’s Controversial Prosecutor

Oh. My. Lots of folks in Chicago are steaming over this second Smollett stain on their shirt…

John Kass Chi-Trib: Kim Foxx cleans Jussie Smollett up, the Chicago Way

In some cities, people might be shocked if the mayor called out the prosecutor for running a crooked system that allowed a Hollywood star like the smarmy Jussie Smollett to walk away from charges he created a fake hate crime.

But this is Chicago, and is there anything, really, that surprises Chicago anymore?


Thanks to the office of Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, Smollett gets to walk away from 16 felony counts of a grand jury indictment. Her office dropped all charges.

Smollett blamed the alleged attack on mythical Trump supporters. According to his story, he apparently fought them off with a tuna fish sandwich in one hand and his cellphone in the other, just like real Hollywood tough guy Jason Momoa.

Or not.

But there’s more to it. There’s always more to it.

Kim Foxx’s office didn’t merely drop all the charges against Smollett, not long after Foxx began playing “Obama Celebrity Friends” with former first lady Michelle Obama’s onetime chief of staff.

Foxx’s office dropped the charges, yes. But also as part of the deal, her office wiped him clean. His record was expunged.
The stain of the 16 counts in the indictment was scrubbed right off him.

You might say Foxx bathed him in the waters of the Chicago Way, cleansed him, and made a new man out of him.

And now he’s smirking at the city, the mayor, the cops, everyone. Can’t wait until he files that multimillion-dollar lawsuit…

There is still hope, if the feds can get past the Deep State…

Meanwhile, CNN, who originally were saddened and outraged over the hateful racist MAGA attack on poor Jussie, are struggling to make an apple out of a banana peel. Yesterday’s neutron bomb drop on Chicago had Zucker’s CNN Mini-Me all ‘confused’, I guess more so than usual…

Redsteeze is talking about Mark Geragos, who was snagged in the very recent bust on creepy porn lawyer Michael Avenatti. Both lawyers were heavy go-tos for CNN.

Except that there are videos of the hired-attackers buying ‘red’ caps in a nearby store, along with other items used that night in the hoax. Not “MAGA” hats, but they allegedly did ask a store clerk if they carried any and were told no. So, they settled on plain old red caps.

In addition, CPD have Smollett’s and the Nigerian brothers’ cell phone texts (some of which Jussie stupidly deleted from his phone before turning it over, and too fucking dumb to realize the phone carrier had the records to turn over to cops). That night there were calls between Smollett and the Nigerian brothers before and after the hoax attack. But it’s all now being dropped on these brothers’ heads, not Smollett’s…

Twitchy: ‘Absolutely disgusting’: So, this is the strategy Jussie Smollett’s legal team is going with now?

Under the damn Chicago rapid transit bus with the bruthas!

Anyway, down to the really really real important shit here, huh? I mean, how about that crucial Jussie Smollett career…

USAToday: Jussie Smollett: With criminal charges dropped, is his career ruined or can he recover?

CNN: Taraji P. Henson and others in Hollywood react to Jussie Smollett case being dropped

I guess this snake is even too damn stupid to simply slither away now…

Twitchy: Jussie Smollett’s lawyer says they haven’t ruled out a lawsuit

The Chicago court is livid at CWB posting the above redacted documents and told them to cease doing so. I’ve saved the CWB document photos and posted below the fold…

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