Obama’s Pregnant Pause on Syria: Will He Abort Before It’s Born? – UPDATE

BREAKING: British lawmakers reject measure on military action in Syria, in setback for Obama administration


Where to start on this latest fiasco Barack Obama has gotten himself, our military, and this nation into with the Middle East region, and the rest of the world??? There is so much developing I will scoop a bit here and there, and offer all the links to everything else in between.

Let’s start with the fact that the Obama administration has been leaky as a sieve over the last few days on what/where/when/how it plans to respond to the curious gassing of civilians in Syria. As usual, Barack Obama feels he does not need to follow the U.S. Constitution and plans to bypass the U.S. Congress in his attempts to show he is tough and serious with Syria … and is also not even regarding the advice and demands of his beloved United Nations (who wants more time to investigate the chemical weapon attack). And right now Putin (who is supporting Assad) is steaming atleast two Russian warships into the Mediterranean in an obvious, but denied, response to Obama’s U.S. Navy build-up in the area. Even the U.K is backing-off the saber-rattling under growing doubts and questions about exactly WHO was responsible for the gassing of the civilians.


As a matter of fact, a website has a very interesting video of the FSA “rebels” launching chemical weapons. Perhaps the U.N’s and the U.K.’s new-tone on the whole gassing situation can be attributed to this?

By the way, here is a very important video you need to watch to understand who the “rebels” in Syria are: ISW’s Elizabeth O’Bagy Breaks Down Composition of Syrian Rebels: The 7 most interesting minutes on Syria you will watch today

These are the “rebels” RINO Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham STILL repeatedly insist we must get in there and support and fight beside.


This past week of attempting not to look like an idiot on his own perceived “red line” with Assad and Syria has Obama looking even worse. Check out this headline from the LATimes from just a couple days ago:

Syria chemical weapons response poses major test for Obama – Obama, who before taking office vowed to end the foreign policies of Bush, is now wrestling with some of the same moral and legal realities.

So, Obama believes showing some muscle and just firing across Assad’s bow and waiting for Assad to fire-back like a scene from a Disney “Pirates of The Mediterranean” is a good idea with Russia, China, and Iran huddling in opposition to him.


Graphic video of a “rebel” in Syria blowing himself up…

They get their ‘training’ from NATO in Turkey. But we must ask the obvious, “Gee, I wonder if that’s one from Obama’s gun-running operation from Benghazi through Turkey into Syria? I hope the guy’s buddies and family don’t sue us now…”


Long lines in Israel: Syria tensions spur rush for gas masks

Donald Rumsfeld: Obama Administration Has Not Justified Syria Intervention

From the anti-Bush/anti-Iraq War NY Times: Obama Must “Bomb Syria, Even If It Is Illegal”…

Buchanan to Newsmax: Obama’s Syrian Strike Would be Impeachable

U.S. ramps up for invasion of Syria; Medea Benjamin hardest hit

Iran commander: US strike on Syria would bring Israel’s destruction

Any US strike on Syria likely to extend beyond Damascus, sources say

heavy lifter

6 responses to “Obama’s Pregnant Pause on Syria: Will He Abort Before It’s Born? – UPDATE”

  1. […] Obama’s Pregnant Pause on Syria: Will He Abort Before It’s Born? (theuniversalspectator.wordpress.com) […]


  2. […] Obama's Pregnant Pause on Syria: Will He Abort Before It's Born? (theuniversalspectator.wordpress.com) […]


  3. […] Obama’s Pregnant Pause on Syria: Will He Abort Before It’s Born? (theuniversalspectator.wordpress.com) […]


  4. […] the previous Obama/Syria post is already BULGING below the fold here are a few reminders of Barak Obama and those in his […]


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    What are the concequences of military intervention in Syria?


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